Note: for the new PlayHQ Scorecard, there is no requirement to fill in the Goals/Attempts section. 

WDNA require BOTH TEAMS to correctly complete the SCORECARD/SCORESHEET before submitting it back to the Match Office, at game’s end, irrespective of which team is scoring!

The SCORER, TIMER (also the score checker) and TEAM MANAGER should check for the following:

FRONT side

  • All players’ names (in full) are included – write names that are not pre-printed.
  • All positions are recorded for every quarter (including a dash where players are not on court).
  • Every CENTRE PASS is recorded
  • Each SCORE is recorded (diagonal line through the corresponding number on the progressive score chart, and indicate the change of quarter with a cross or change direction of diagonal line).
  • Include an actual and running total for each quarter.
  • Ensure all signatures are obtained by the Game Officials and Team captains.

BACK side

  • Complete contact information for ALL Officials present.
  • Add any PLAYERS PLAYING UP, from our club, in lower grades (cannot play if from a higher division) – must include:
    • Team – both the name of the team they are playing for for this game (i.e. St Mark’s 2) and the team number they usually play in (i.e. 3)
    • Age group (i.e. U11s)
    • Division their team is currently in (i.e. 4)
  • Add any PLAYERS, NOT IN OUR CLUB, that can play on a SGV (single game voucher) – must be the correct age.

 Those not completed correctly will incur a fine!