WDNA will be holding the Oct School Holiday NSG Umpiring Clinic – 3rdand 4th October at the WDNA Clubrooms from 8.30am to 12.30pm.

This clinic is aimed at the beginner umpire with little or no experience.

The cost is $65 (plus transaction fees) and registration can be made through this link: https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/7721ac

There will also be further NSG Workshops:

3rd Oct: 2-3pm

4th Oct: 2-3pm

6th Oct: 6-7pm

9th Oct: 5.30-6.30pm

10th Oct: 4.30-5.30pm and 6-7pm

These workshops are for umpires that have experience – it is not for umpires that have never umpired before. The workshop will address the modifications of the game for Net Set Go

The cost is $5 (plus transaction fees) and registration can be made through this link: https://www.playhq.com/netball-australia/register/12465a 

If you have any questions, contact Rachel Williams.